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Medical Education Summit 2021

About Conference

“10th International Conference on Medical Education and Health Sciences’’ which will be held during April 06-07, 2021 Manila, Philippines.

MEDICAL EDUCATION SUMMIT 2021  tenderly invitations to all the students, professors, researchers, doctors and delegates to contribute this future conference medical education, health sciences and patient care to examine your insight which also take in lively debates, oral talks, prompt key note presentations, workshops, poster presentations and networking opportunities around a core of meeting and synchronized sessions based on crucial disputes in the health sciences.

Medical education, health sciences and patient care conference will be focus on “Expanding future horizons for Medical Education, Health Sciences” . This offers a unique chance for all the students, professors, researchers and doctors and delegates across the global meet. This is a meeting to explore problems of mutual concern as well as interchange information, ideas and share evidence and create solutions. This platform is to examination answers, deliberate analysis methodology, policy glitches, build and maintain vital networks between researchers, practitioners, doctors and policy creators and representative of consumer organisations.

.Main objectives of medical education, health sciences :

  • Knowledge for Practice
  • Social and Communication Skills
  • Professionalism
  • Personal and Skilled Development
  • Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
  • Systems-Based Practice
  • Interprofessional Collaboration
  • Assess individual and community needs, assets and capacity for health education
  • Plan effective health education programs
  • Serve as a Health Education Resource Person
  • Communicate and advocate for health and health education
  • Conduct evaluation and research related to health education
  • Provide leadership within the public health profession

Target of audience

  •  Healthcare Consultants
  •  Surgeons
  •  Pediatricians
  •  Hospitals
  •  Medical centres
  •  Medical Student
  •  Young researchers
  •  Women’s Healthcare Researchers
  •  Medical universities
  •  Animal health researcher
  •  Nursing
  •  Medical professors
  •  Doctors
  •  Ministry of health sciences
  •  Public health specialists
  •  Engineering Medical Devices Companies

Why to attend?

MEDICAL EDUCATION SUMMIT 2021  gives a stage to improve your insight and estimate future advancements in medical education, health sciences and patient care to give you an implausible chance to meet world's extraordinary researchers and scientists to examine your insight. The assembly will have courses, workshops and members share their insight and viewpoints through conceptual, blurbs, intelligent keynote, speaker and whole sessions on the novel advancements and sensible problems being looked in the medical education, health sciences and patient care.  

So, note the dates April 06-07, 2021 Manila, Philippines.


International conference on Medical education, Health Sciences  will make available an ideal stand to show case your novel technologies. Participation in an exhibition will empower you to market your brand to a broader troop and make them of your product and service .You get a consistent pool of attracted customers that you can reach out to after the show. An exhibition stand will help your company get perceived.

Why exhibit?

  • Inauguration a new product
  • Meet and connect with latent clients
  • Upsurge your brand awareness
  • Profit from cost effective marketing
  • Gain more knowledge of your business


Sessions and Topics

Track 1: Medical education, research and practice

Medical education, course of concentrate guided toward conferring to people trying to become doctors the information and aptitudes required for the anticipation and treatment of illness.  Medical research  includes inquire about in a wide scope of fields, for example, science, pharmacology and toxicology with the objective of growing new medications or medicinal systems or improving the use of those effectively accessible. Medicine  includes an assortment of medicinal services rehearses advanced to keep up and re-establish wellbeing by the avoidance and treatment of ailment.

Track 2: Teaching, learning and assessment

Individual or gathering guidance planned or to give data about sickness forms, wounds, other wellbeing related occasions, or wellbeing advancement practices, or to encourage improvement of abilities for adapting to uncommon consideration necessities, constraints, or limitations in wellbeing status is teaching. The securing of knowledge. Assessment has an incredible positive guiding impact on learning and the educational program. It passes on what we esteem as significant and goes about as the most pertinent helper of understudy learning. Appraisal is reason driven. In arranging and planning evaluations, it is fundamental to perceive the stakes associated with it. The higher the stake, the more prominent the ramifications of the result of the appraisal. The more advanced the evaluation techniques, the more suitable they become for criticism and learning.

Track 3: Well ness and Well- being

Wellness is a functioning procedure of getting  mindful  of and settling on decisions toward a solid and satisfying life. Wellbeing is more than being liberated from disease; it is a unique procedure of progress and development.

Track 4: Nursing education and practice

Nursing education alludes to formal learning and preparing in the study of nursing. This remembers the capacities and obligations for the physical consideration of patients, and a blend of various orders that both quickens the patient's arrival to wellbeing and looks after it. They have a striking degree of preparing and can practice unreservedly, despite the fact that they furthermore cooperate with all people from the human administrations gathering to give the consideration required by each patient as an individual. Medicinal Practitioners advocate for their patients and patients' families. They make and regulate nursing care structures and instruct patients and their families in suitable consideration. As educators, they help whole gatherings by telling individuals and social affairs the best way to figure out how to improve or keep up their wellbeing.

Track 5: Pediatrics and Neonatology

Neonatology is a division of paediatrics  that explicitly manages clinical consideration of babies, particularly the untimely or preterm or sick. Neonatology is a particular sub-order of pediatrics since Neonatologists must be prepared explicitly to deal with the most unpredictable and high-hazard confusions During these methods giving powerful agony the executives to kids is generally perceived as a confounded and testing viewpoint. This test will be accomplished by picking up concerning mental science and conduct examines which may facilitate the confusions with the child all through the treatment.

Track 6: Dental and oral health

Current proportions of dental health status are fundamentally clinical in nature and depend on clinical and radiographic appraisal of the patient's dental wellbeing. Data about a patient's capacity to perform normal exercises identified with great dental wellbeing - for instance, biting, talking, and grinning - isn't routinely gathered. This examination researched what measures add to dental practical standing, anyway they're related with antiquated clinical measures, regardless of whether dental elements add to other nonexclusive proportions of wellbeing, and the degree to that dental variables add to by and large personal satisfaction. The dental useful status file might be valuable in explaining the connection between dental wellbeing and generally speaking wellbeing and personal satisfaction measures. Keeping up solid teeth and gums is a long lasting responsibility. The prior you learn legitimate oral health propensities —, for example, brushing, flossing, and restricting your sugar admission — the simpler it'll be to keep away from expensive dental techniques and long haul medical problems.

Track 7: Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition

Endocrinology and diabetes  is prevalently a patient claim to fame, anyway assortment of patients need medical clinic affirmation for complex examinations or the administration of intricacies. Besides, at least fifteen percent of emergency clinic inpatients have diabetes mellitus or diverse endocrine conditions. Patients commonly have constant conditions and the executives are all encompassing and future regularly in a multidisciplinary group style. Whereas  nutrition  depicts the connection of  nutrients  and other nourishment substances. It likewise incorporates nourishment consumption, retention, mix, digestion, catabolism and discharge. So nutrition will build up an efficient track to keep up a solid life.

Track 8: Microbiology and Immunology

Micro-organisms and their exercises are fundamentally essential to practically all procedures on Earth. Micro-organisms matter since they influence each part of our lives – they are in us, on us and around us. Microbiology is the investigation of every single living life form that is too little to ever be unmistakable with the unaided eye. This incorporates microscopic organisms, archaea, infections, growths, prions, protozoa and green growth, altogether known as 'microorganisms'. These organisms assume key jobs in supplement cycling, biodegradation / bio deterioration, environmental change, nourishment decay, the reason and control of infection, and biotechnology. In a healthy person, the insusceptible system helps the body fight infection by eliminating external viruses and bacteria. When the immune system is flawed, it can fail to safeguard the body, or even attack it. The study of immune system is called immunology.

Track 9: Infectious Diseases and Antibiotics

Infectious diseases are disorders brought about by living beings —, for example, microscopic organisms, infections, growths or parasites. Several living beings live in and on our bodies. They're typically innocuous or even supportive. However, under specific conditions, a few living beings may cause illness. Any article has the possible to be a hauler of an infectious agent. Dirty garments and linens, apparatuses and unsterilized hospital equipment are some instances of breeding ground for bacteria and parasites. To prevention of such infections antibiotics is used. Antibiotics fight against the bacterial infections.

Track 10: Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Obstetrics and gynaecology are medical fields that emphasis on two different facets of the female reproductive system. To be certified as an obstetrician or a gynaecologist needs a minimum of 4 years internship training after achieving a general medical degree. Women see their gynaecologist for their yearly Pap test and pelvic test. Different reasons a women would see her gynaecologist are for diseases or any torment or inconvenience in the uterus, private parts or bosoms. Gynaecologists likewise help with infertility issues and contraception. The obstetrician guarantees that mother and kid get the best pre-birth care to guarantee work and conveyance is accomplished without entanglements and that should intercession be required, it is done rapidly and securely.


Market Analysis

Market analysis report for MEDICAL EDUCATION SUMMIT 2021

MEDICAL EDUCATION SUMMIT 2021 invites attendees, presenters, and exhibitors from all over the world to attend webinar. We are glad to invite you all to participate and register for the ‘10th International Conference on Medical Education and Health Sciences (MEDICAL EDUCATION SUMMIT 2021)’ which is going to be held during April 06-07, 2021 Manila, Philippines. 

The organizing committee is outfit up for an empowering and instructive social event program including comprehensive talks, symposia and workshops on different points, notice introductions and various tasks for individuals from everywhere throughout the world. We welcome to join along with us at the Medical Education 2020, where you will make sure to have a significant association with researchers from around the globe.

More details please visit-

 Global medical education:

The growth in the number of online medical programs is one of the significant explanations behind the medical education market development. The fame of online medical courses is expanding altogether among the both understudies and colleges that offer medical degrees. The developing interest for online courses is credited to different advantages offered by online learning contrasted with conventional learning. The accessibility of online medical courses permit understudies to plan and complete modules according to their benefit. Besides, online courses give students chances to talk about points with coaches or companions on conversation discussions. Also, merchants are utilizing cell phones and are making versatile applications to build their client base.

This statistical surveying report portions the medical education market by geography (APAC, Europe, North America, MEA, and South America), learning strategy (mixed learning and web based learning) and courses (graduate courses, affirmations and preparing, and post-graduate courses).

The North American locale drove the market, trailed by Europe, APAC, South America, and MEA individually. The development of the medical education market share of the overall industry in North America can be credited to variables, for example, the expanding enlistments in separation learning medical degrees, and the broad appropriation of mixed learning strategies in North American medical schools.

Health sciences education:

Health science alludes to a huge gathering of orders identified with the delivery of health care to humans and animals through the utilization of science, designing, arithmetic and innovation. At the end of the day, it is the field where in information is taken from unadulterated science and other related sources and applied to handy and clinical practices to keep up and improve the strength of living creatures. The parts of wellbeing science are for all intents and purposes perpetual, crossing customary and ordinary Western medication just as option and people medication. Extensively characterized, it can even incorporate profound based mending forms.

While giving empowering indications of recuperation, the present economy is still on delicate balance. There are not many monetary parts that are blasting right now, and the activity showcase is trying, best case scenario. One special case is the health  sciences field. Because of the maturing populace and significant changes in the medicinal services showcase, professions in wellbeing sciences are relied upon to see generous development throughout the following decade and into what's to come. As indicated by the U.S. Division of Labour’s Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS), a vocation development pace of 11 percent is normal somewhere in the range of 2012 and 2022 for all occupations joined. Employment developments for most health science occupations, notwithstanding, are relied upon to twofold, significantly increase or even fourfold that rate over a similar period. The following are employment development projections from the BLS for various explicit wellbeing sciences occupations: Around there are 9.2 million doctors, 19.4 million medical attendants and maternity specialists, 1.9 million dental specialists and other dentistry staff, 2.6 million drug specialists and other pharmaceutical faculty, and over 1.3 million network wellbeing labourers, making the human services industry perhaps the biggest portion of the workforce.


Patient care work in healthcare and home situations, for the most part under the supervision of an enrolled nurse. They help give essential, direct consideration to patients, for example, helping with everyday life exercises, and assisting with transportation and tidiness. A secondary school recognition or proportionate is commonly the main necessity to start working right now field, with other preparing coming through managed hands on understanding. Be that as it may, a couple of businesses may require a certified nurse assistant (CNA) accreditation, and others may order a competency assessment. Projected market growth rate from (2018-2028) is 36% for personal care aides: 37% for home health aides.

Universities Worldwide

  • University of Oxford
  • University of Cambridge
  • UCL London's Global University
  • Stanford University
  • Western University
  • University of Nottingham
  • University of Bologna
  • University of Athens
  • University of Chicago
  • University of Washington
  • University of Rochester
  • The University of Melbourne
  • University of Glasgow
  • Fudan University
  • Stanford University
  • University of Minnesota
  • University of Albert
  • University of Nebraska
  • University of Iowa Carver
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • South-western University
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • University of Helsinki
  • University of Penn Medicine


Past Conference Report


Medical education summit successfully hosted its premier International Conference on Medical Education, Health Sciences and Patient Care  November 05-06, 2020 Webinar.

MEDICAL EDUCATION 2020  marked with the attendance of Organizing Committee Members, Scientists, Doctors, Health and Medical Informaticians, Telemedicine Professionals, Healthcare Professionals, Hospital and skilled nursing home administrators, young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing more than 25 countries, who made this conference fruitful and productive.

Thanks to all our momentous speakers, conference attendees who contributed towards the successful run of the conference.

MEDICAL EDUCATION 2020  witnessed an amalgamation of peerless speakers who enlightened the crowd with their knowledge and confabulated on various new-fangled topics related to the fields of Medical and Health Sciences.

MEDICAL EDUCATION 2020  extends its warm gratitude to all the Honourable Guest and Keynote Speakers of the event:

  • Dr. Azza Ahmed, RAK Medical and Health Sciences University, UAE
  • Dr. Timothy R Holmes, Sydney Children’s Hospital, Australia
  • Dr. Lin Yang, The University of Sydney, Australia
  • Dr. Fenti Fatmawati, Bandung School of Pharmacy, Indonesia
  • Dr. Lee Wei Yang, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
  • Dr. Timothy R Holmes, Sydney Children’s Hospital, Australia

Last but not the least organization wishes to acknowledge with its deep sincere gratitude to all the supporters from  the Editorial Board Members of our Open Access Journals, Keynote speakers, Honorable guests, Valuable speakers,  students, delegates and special thanks to the Media partners  for their promotion to make this event a huge success.

With the enormous feedback from the participants and supporters of International Conference on Medical Education, Health Sciences and Patient Care , is glad to announce its  10th International Conference on Medical Education and Health Sciences from April 06-07, 2021 Manila, Philippines.


To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date April 06-07, 2021

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

Journal of Reproductive Health and Contraception Diversity and Equality in Health and Care Journal of Health & Medical Economics

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by