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Samarth Sahai

Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, India

Title: KAP study of mothers using knives, matches etc to protect their newborns


Biography: Samarth Sahai


Mothers of newborns were interviewed regarding common practices being carried out by them and their logic behind using knives, matches etc to protect their newborns. We discussed how they can actually protect their baby through early and exclusive breast feeding, immunization and proper care and protection from mosquitoes. This exercise also made the young mothers question every practice and understand logic behind it rather than blindly follow them and gave them confidence that they have a right to question and do away with illogical practices

This study was done to initiate a healthy discussion in the post natal wards by the undergraduate medical students posted in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with the mothers who have delivered newborns in the last 72 hours. This discussion is a small step in awareness generation of ways  to bring down the high neonatal mortality by  tapping the most important link in the primary health care providing system i.e. the mother.  The study was carried out in the post natal wards of the Obstetrics department of two medical colleges in urban areas of Rajasthan (INDIA)