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Monisha Sahai

Monisha Sahai

Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, India

Title: Validation of pediatric quick review system as a medical education tool for teaching pediatrics to undergraduate and postgraduate medical students


Biography: Monisha Sahai



Undergraduate medical students are often at loss when they need to remember facts and practice those in clinical examination. To overcome this difficulty the author developed ‘Pediatric Quick Review System (PQRS)’, a peer reviewed medical education tool for providing a protocol based, self-placed training in pediatrics. To test its effectiveness, the students were asked to volunteer for the study. This study was pre-approved by the University’s Ethical Committee and the Academic Research Development Unit (ARDU). The students were divided into two groups, study group consisting of 52 undergraduate and 8 post graduate students and a control group of 41 students who volunteered not to enroll in this study. The study group students after giving a Pretest, were provided the PQRS tool free of cost, followed by a post test at the end of 3 weeks and submission of a SMART (rating w.r.t specific, measurable change, accessible, realistic goal achievement and time bound) feedback form regarding their opinion about the usefulness of this tool. The efficacy of the tool was evaluated by comparing the pretest and post test scores of the study group students as well as the improvement in quiz performance over two weeks. The pretest scores were found to be less than 50% of the post test score.