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Chairman of WAMS Chinese council
Southern Medical University


Chairman of the WAMS Chinese Council, Fellow of the Academy, Member of the WAMS Executive Council, Member of the Academy Faculty. Dr. Alpha Ibrahima Balde, MD, MS, FWAMS received his medical degree from the first military medical university Chinese (Southern Medical University). With his keen interest in surgery and clinical research, Dr. Balde took part in many surgeries in the fields of laparoscopic gastric cancer, laparoscopic colorectal surgery, thyroid, hernia, and Hepatocellular biliary carcinoma with eminent professor of the Tertiary Hospital. Dr. Balde is an active researcher in the fields of gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, thyroid, and liver disease. He received his post graduate degree (Master of Surgery at SMU) he published many articles as co author and also as first author in prestigious journals like Surgical Endoscopy and also in Colorectal Disease. His abstract was accepted for oral presentation in Amsterdam during the 24th international congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, and also at the International Association of Health Care Professionals (IAHCP) conference in London, UK. Dr. Balde is the recipient of two awards as the best international student in the Guangdong province by the Guangzhou government for his achievements in clinical research. He is currently performing surgery with the top professors at SMU.

Research Interest

Retrospective study of laparoscopic versus open gastric resection for gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumors based on the propensity score matching method (Co-Author, Surgical Endoscopy, PMID:27287906) Safety analysis of laparoscopic endoscopic cooperative surgery versus endoscopic submucosal dissection for selected gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumors: A propensity score-matched study (First Author, Surgical Endoscopy, PMID:27492430) Abstract 147 accepted for oral presentation 15-18 June 2016 Amsterdam 24th European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) International Congress To appear in the online edition. Prognostic impact of lymph node skip metastasis in stage III colorectal cancer (Co- Author, Colorectal Disease, PMID:27438774) Risk Factors for Pulmonary Complications Following Laparoscopy Gastrectomy: A Single-Center Study (Co-Author, Medicine, PMID:27512884) The prognostic value of regional lymph node metastases in patients of Guangdong Province, China with differentiated thyroid cancer - A multicenter retrospective clinical study (Co-Author, Medicine) The analysis of clinicopathological predictive factors and treatment of lymph node metastases in papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (Under review, Co-Author) Propensity score analysis of recurrence for neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in colorectal cancer. First author, 25 May 2017 accepted for publication in Journal of Surgical Research (JSR) considered for special recognition in the "Featured Articles" section of the journal Abstract: 5, 6 & 7 - 3 Abstract accepted for oral presentation. To be presented at the International Association of Health Care Professionals (IAHCP) Conference , London, UK, 17 - 18 December 2016